If Acrobat Reader is not available locally, installable versions are provided by Adobe Corporation at URL http://www.adobe.com and are included on this CD-ROM in the ACROBAT directory (folder). Version updates and additional features are available at no cost from the adobe.com website. The following operating system versions of installable Acrobat Reader(R) software are included on this CD: Operating System CD file name Acrobat Reader(R) version ---------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------- Windows 3.1 arwin31.exe 3.01 Windows 95/98/NT ar9598nt.exe 4.0 Macintosh armac.hqx 4.0 Sun OS arsuntar.gz (gzipped tarfile) 3.02 Solaris arsoltar.Z (compressed tarfile) 4.0 Linux arlintar.gz (gzipped tarfile) 4.0 IBM AIX araixtar.Z (compressed tarfile) 3.02 HP-UX arhptar.Z (compressed tarfile) 3.02 SGI IRIX arsgitar.Z (compressed tarfile) 3.02 Digital UNIX ardigtar.Z (compressed tarfile) 3.02 OS2 Warp aros2.exe 3.0